Friday, September 25, 2015

Yogi Berra Passes

Yogi was the N.Y. Yankees catcher for 19 seasons, while having to take some time off due to WWII, Yogi could’ve easily played more baseball than that.

Yogi is most famous for his absolutely outrageous quotes such as, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it”, or, “You can observe a lot by just watching”.  But aside from all the humor he caused he was a very well respected and appreciated player around the league.  Yogi to this day still continues to be the Yankee catcher with most hits of all time in the organization, and was a 18 time All-Star, and 10 World Series Championships, just outstanding numbers for any player.

Yogi died peacefully in his home in Northern N.J.  With his number being retired all around baseball, it is safe to say it was a mournful day for baseball fans all around the country.  Like Yogi used to always say, “It’s not over until it’s over”.  Rest in peace to the greatest Yankees catcher of all time.

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