Tuesday, September 29, 2015

More Bad News for D-Rose

Derrick Rose suffered yet, another injury.  Today he caught an elbow in practice, which will require him to need surgery, yet again. 

I’m telling you D-Rose is just injury prone and if I was in the Chicago organization, I would start maybe questioning if we should put him on the market or not.  Yes, I agree he is your star player and every Bulls fan hopes this doesn’t happen.

Rose hasn’t played a full season since I believe to be about three years ago.  How crazy is that, your star point guard and franchise player has NOT played a full season that long.  Where is your money really going now Chi-Town?

If I’m in the front office for the Chicago Bulls, I’m sitting him for the year, to make sure he is 10000000 percent healthy for next season and maybe along the way we pick up a top five draft pick next year, not a bad scenario if your Chicago. 

Yeah they have Pau Gasol, and Carlos Boozer as their big guys, and of course the notorious Jimmy Butler who has just been absolutely killing it ever since Roses’ injury plague started affecting him. 

Maybe you throw him out on the market and just see what kind of reaction you get from it, who even knows, maybe LeBron always wanted to play in Chicago.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Yogi Berra Passes

Yogi was the N.Y. Yankees catcher for 19 seasons, while having to take some time off due to WWII, Yogi could’ve easily played more baseball than that.

Yogi is most famous for his absolutely outrageous quotes such as, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it”, or, “You can observe a lot by just watching”.  But aside from all the humor he caused he was a very well respected and appreciated player around the league.  Yogi to this day still continues to be the Yankee catcher with most hits of all time in the organization, and was a 18 time All-Star, and 10 World Series Championships, just outstanding numbers for any player.

Yogi died peacefully in his home in Northern N.J.  With his number being retired all around baseball, it is safe to say it was a mournful day for baseball fans all around the country.  Like Yogi used to always say, “It’s not over until it’s over”.  Rest in peace to the greatest Yankees catcher of all time.

QB Scares

Coincidence in my opinion but I honestly have no idea why this is the case.  Drew Brees, Tony Romo, Geno Smith (pre-season injury), and Josh McCown.  That’s a pretty hefty list when you can’t even remember when two QB’s were hurt at the same time.  Then again I could be completely wrong and maybe the NFL has gone on a different regiment with preparing each franchise’s teams.  Now I’m just going into conspiracy theories but you have to agree it does seem somewhat alarming when four starting QB’s go down within the first two weeks of the season.

Yes, it is totally acceptable if it was the end of year and this stuff was happening because of the toll their bodies would be taking, but they’re coming off a fresh off- season which is why it is so alarming to the average NFL fan.

Papelbon Suspended 3 Games

Jonathan Papelbon was suspended today for throwing at Orioles player Manny Machado.  The reason the MLB decided to impose this fine was due to the fact that Papelbon’s previous two pitches were aimed at Machado but simply missed.

Honestly dude your team is so bad why even make it a more embarrassing situation.  I’ll be the first to say I am definitely not his biggest fan either from past experiences when he used to play for the Red Sox.  When they would roll into town he’d always have this dumb sly grin on his face like he was the man and then the Yanks would absolutely destroy him. 

This guy was traded from Philadelphia earlier this year because he’s such a shitty teammate, at what point do you step back and ask yourself what your doing, especially when you’re not even the best closer in the game.

Some say he threw at Machado because of how awful the Nationals played that night, and frustrations could have boiled over into what lead into his suspension, but at what point do you realize you’re a professional and this isn’t High School baseball any more. 

Papelbon get it together dude.

What is Wrong with the Eagles?

The Eagles were probably every ESPN NFL Analyst’s pick to be in the Super Bowl this year.  However, the Eagles decided to say no thanks to that prediction and start off the season 0-2.

With stars like Sam Bradford, powerhouse running back DeMarco Murray, and Chip Kelly’s offense, you would think this team would be embarrassing teams but no instead, like I said, they decided to go 0-2.

So many people are confused, including the Eagles organization, with no answer to be insight at all, all the Eagles fan’s have to do is pray they get the ball rolling somehow this year, because if they continue like this, fans are going to start asking for Tim Tebow back.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

AL East Title Amps Up

The Yankees fell tonight after defeating the Rays last night, 6-3.  What does this mean for the Bronx Bombers?  It simply means Alex Rodriguez.  The guy has to produce in order for this team win, yes, the Yankees have been a team that everyone knows as in order to win they need to hit home runs and that is the case for even this year.

With A-Rod already hitting 32 on the year after coming off a FULL years suspension, it's what every Yankee fan could dream of.  When the Yanks have other high paid athletes that aren't producing, not only hitters but pitchers too, it puts even more weight on his shoulders and personally in my opinion I think he's the guy that comes through.  Rodriguez has had trouble coming in the clutch in the post-season in the past but that was due to living under the shadow of Derek Jeter.
Jeter and Rodriguez were the star short stops of their generation and when the Yankees acquired A-Rod in a trade from the Texas Rangers and put him at third base the tension already started to build but they would never let you see it.  A-Rod who went from being the face of the franchise in Texas was basically under Jeter's right arm now and you could tell it didn't suit him well.

Now with Jeter retired, it is safe to say this is Alex's team now.  The guy has been a visible leader since the start of the season and you can see is trying to be involved in ever aspect of the team as much as he can.

With Alex strictly becoming the DH, it even gives him more reason to produce, coming off two hip surgeries in the past, all he gets to do is swing the bat and hopefully hit a home run.  Fans get pissed at him when he doesn't run out ground balls to third but why should he?  He's not that same A-Rod we saw 15 years ago with quick hands and feet, no he's turned into an absolute power monster.

To basically sum it up, if this team wants the AL Pennant, all they can hope to do is that Rodriguez comes up in the clutch.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Different Year, Same Big Blue(s)

Well, it’s that time of the year again where everyone in the tri-state (New Jersey, New York, Connecticut) get their hopes up to have them come crashing down in a burning ball of fire shot down from the football Gods. 

I mean honestly a game that was dominated by the Cowboys on Sunday night for the entire first half, I was just as surprised as was the entire country when the Giants went into the locker room with a 13-6 lead at the half but that’s what a couple of good bounces and the Cowboys using both of their challenges in the first half within a 3 minute period can do to a game.

Coming out of the second half I already started chomping at my fingernails.  Fast forward to the end of the 3rd Quarter, and now I start to relax, it seems like every touchdown the Giants score, the Cowboys march down and only can get 3 points on the board so I’m feeling pretty comfortable right now.  Is it too soon to call the Giants the New York Mets of football?  Then again you have the New York Jets who in past years have just been brutal from everything from the “Butt Fumble” to just having atrocious records in the past 3 years, so anyway I get back to my night that I thought was going to end up great.

Lets fast word to the play that changed it all, in the 4th Quarter, Giants have the ball at the 1 yard line, YES THE 1 YARD LINE.  Jesus Christmas I already know they’re going to blow it: First down, run, stopped, Second down, run, stopped.  Ok so third down you run the ball at THE 1 YARD LINE especially when the opposing team has NO timeouts left.  But no, we’re going to pass it, the play begins, Eli snaps the ball, play breaks down, Eli rolls out right to find absolutely no wide receiver in sight so he just took the sack to keep the time running right?  Why would he do that? It that would be the most logical thing to ever do in this situation so taking the sack so time keeps running would just be stupid according to Eli.  Anyway he rolls out right, and what does he do?  Eli decides to just heave it into the stands, maybe he saw someone wearing #13(and whoever is his barber needs to get fired) in the stands and thought that was his receiver?  Honestly, I would believe that.

So the Giants kick the field goal to make it a 6 point game, with the Cowboys now have possession at the 20 yard line, yup, you guessed it, march right down the field and score with: 17 in the 4th quarter and the Giants lose.  WHAT A SUNDAY NIGHT.